Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday News Day: Global Campus Recruiting

As per my article on Tuesday of this week, I’m focused on international global recruiting best practices as a theme right now. Despite all of my best searches, the information available online on this topic is shockingly limited. The best article I could find to share is from 2010; however, it does have some strong points that many companies are still not doing half way through 2011 and it is less than 1 year old. Read here for tips & tricks and know I will be working on many more articles on this topic moving forward.

If you have any great articles or resources on global recruiting beset practices, please include them as a comment in the below to share with myself & other readers.

Employment Branding:

 “Global Recruiting in 2010: Trends & Best Practices”
-          Featured on: slideshare  
-          Writer:  Kevin Wheeler
-          Publishing date: Aug 25, 2010
-          Link:

Good webinar with a 5 trends & best practices for global recruiting.  Major trends include globalization = ubiquitous mobility, shortages of key skills, recruiting is internet dependent & recruiting remains local. This article includes good statistics, research & recommendations for any recruiting manager building a campus recruiting program.

Happy reading! Any resources/articles/webinars you can share about global recruiting? What are your challenges? Learnings? Best practices for global recruiting or taking global plans & implementing on a local level?   I would love questions/ideas/thoughts as inspiration for future blog articles.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Global Campus Recruiting Best Practices

As I’m working internationally this week in Europe, I was inspired to share information about campus recruiting at a global level. As many of my readers know, my specialty is building campus programs & I have developed & successfully run campus recruiting programs in over 12 countries from North America to Asia to Western Europe and Eastern Europe. It may shock you that students around the world essentially want the same things – enjoyment of work, development opportunities, exposure to leadership, work/life balance. Though the cultures of each country influence the practices/students, best practices in student recruiting essentially do work globally. Building the right programming is important to find that perfect new hire!

Though many global companies build management trainee or global recruiting principles, there are some things to keep in mind that work globally & some things to consider in tweaking your programming for each individual market. Read on to find out more!

From my experience, here are some best practices for building campus recruiting programs in multiple countries:
-     Strong employment branding website with information about a day in the life at your company. Remember, your website should ENGAGE with students. Think blogs, twitter feeds, YouTube videos of your office, testimonials etc
-     Key messaging/job offerings that speak to students. Knowing what students want & ensuring your offering speaks to these categories is important. Look to local/nation surveys on student values to build out your messages
-     Campus Ambassadors, students who work a set number of hours per work promoting job opportunities with your company, helping to build your brand on campus & generate referrals.  I have seen this program work around the world. The key factors are training them, have ongoing management & KPI’s (key performance indicators) that they are rewarded for meeting.
-     Referral based programming works! Track referrals to applications & reward based on results.
-     Campus events are so important for building up your brand on campus and recognition among students. Job fairs, information sessions, company presentations, case competitions etc are a great way to engage students.
-     Relationships with Career Centers – Career Centers can make or break your experience on campus. Getting to know your contacts and  educating them on your company’s offering is very important as they will help market your campus events, promote your company to influential students & help you gain access to deans & professors
-     Relationships with Deans/Professors are very important. Guest lecturing in class rooms, supporting with real business cases to supplement curriculum and seeking referrals from influential professors will help gain traction with the right students.
-     Supporting student groups. Find those groups that are part of your target market and work to be a key advisor/support. Do not just provide sponsorship dollars but instead work to provide the group mentors, internships, and/or business advice as this will be a better use of your sponsorship dollars. By spending time with these groups you will get to know the top students you want to recruit for your company.
-     Giveaways are not a key part of a campus program. They are supplementary to educate students on your EVP (employer value proposition) but a cool giveaway is not going to sell a student on applying to your company

 Things to tweak on a country by country basis:
-     Consider Internet Access
o   Some countries outside of Western Europe & North America have limited internet access or slow speeds. Having a length application process that relies heavily on internet access/online testing may decrease your applicants and candidate engagement in some countries. Consider this access to technology when tailoring the application for each country.
-     On Campus activities really differ per campus. Some schools allow for class presentations by other students and some don’t. Know what’s allowed in your country & per campus to meet your KPI’s.  Work with your career center to understand what works best on their campus. Tailor this metric not only by country but also by school.
-     Postering/handouts – many schools internally have different rules about what is allowed on posters or if posters are even allowed to be hung on campus property. Ensure that you allow local offices to determine these nuances before ordering global quantities with a set design.
-     Timing – even within a continent, the countries may have very different calendar years. Your recruiting season in England and Germany are very different as German students don’t go back to school until October versus August/Sept in England. Thus, your timing for applications, interviews and job offers will be sensitive to each country.
-     Social media sites/usage varies per country. Ask your recent new hires what social media sites you should be using!

I hope these tips help you understand what global recruiting best practices work on a global level & what needs to be tweaked locally. Cheers & happy recruiting!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday News Day: Employment Branding

As I’m currently consulting in Europe for clients, I was inspired to discuss global campus recruiting in this week’s articles. Despite my BEST goggle searches, I didn’t find any relevant articles about global employment branding or campus recruiting … this of course inspired next week’s post about campus recruiting and global best practices. For this week’s article (as it is Thursday News Day!) I have included a good piece about employment branding as knowing the basic principles in building your EVP (employee value proposition) will help set you up for understanding global best practices for campus recruiting.

Employment Branding:

 “Employment Branding: The only long term Recruitment Strategy”
-          Featured on:
-          Writer:  Dr. John Sullivan
-          Publishing date: Jan 7, 2008
-          Link:

Though this article is a couple of years old, it really highlights the basic principles of employment branding and those principles haven’t changed. The way you execute on your brand has evolved but this is a good introductory read to the key components of and long term benefits of employment branding. The author quotes that typically companies only spend 5% of their budgets on employment branding… which camp do you fall into?

I hope you read over this solid employment branding article so that in my next few posts about campus recruiting & global recruiting, you understand the benefit of having a EVP prior to hitting campus. Shockingly, I found very few other articles about campus recruiting unless they were tied to a company as a pitch document. Looks like I found a new wealth of things to write about! Stay posted over the next few weeks for posts on campus recruiting & global student behaviours.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

International Business Travel Tips

I am writing this week’s post from Moscow, Russia where I am spending a week consulting with a client on their new grad hiring programs. Over the last few years, my international consulting work has taken me away from Canada anywhere from 50-70% of any given month.  I absolutely love the travel as it has allowed me to work in over 12 countries around the world from North America, Asia, Western Europe & Eastern Europe & allowed me to see so many beautiful places.  Here are some of my tips for successful international business trips.

Visas: Check the country’s consulate website to determine if you need a visa to enter a country. Start this process EARLY as it is typically very time consuming
Payments: Your hotels should all be paid via credit card = easy to expense. You should ALWAYS have foreign currency cash with you for things like tips, taxis etc.
Organizing/Planning Travel:
·         Print ALL of your confirmations (handy when people don't speak English)
·         Flights: When traveling internationally (especially to Europe) it is almost ½ price to book a round trip ticket versus a one way ticket. It is highly recommended to use a travel agent to book your flights with multiple destinations as they can make it a round trip versus a bunch of one-ways and can save you hundreds or even a thousand dollars. They also know the best international airlines to use.
·         Hotels: If possible, use client hotels where they have a discounted corporate rate.
·         If there are multiple airports, check with your client which is the closet to the hotel/office
·         Check with your client to understand travel needs for that country (ice. Will they arrange a car/taxi from the airport for you as this is safer etc?)
·         Make a plan on what you want to review with your client. Have a list of items to review to make the most of your time as you don’t see your client face to face very often! Save all supporting documents on your laptop, in an email & on a USB key. Computer problems often happen when you are around the world!
Doing your research/Knowing the Culture of the Country you are visiting:
·         When you are in these countries on international business, it is important you do your research about local customs and business practices. Many of current business practices are influences by religions in countries (i.e.: Confucianism in China etc)
o   Example: In China (and much of Asia), it is important to hold a business card with 2 hands to give it to a client. The Client will also accept it with 2 hands. You must have the card facing your client. If you are receiving a business card, you must read it and comment on their role or ask a question of clarification to show that you are acknowledging their role or title. This demonstrates respect.
·         These are important things to know as it shows you understand their culture & thus are more likely to be successful in your consulting efforts.
Staying in Touch:
·         Check with your clients and see if they can set you up on the internet in their office (they typically have to work with IT)
·         Investigate if you can purchase a hotel room package that includes internet.
·         Use SKYPE instead of using a hotel phone. Hotel phones (especially in Europe) are VERY expensive even for local calls.
·         Ensure you plan out the # of business & casual days you have. Plan on wearing bottoms (pants/skirts) more than once with different tops to save on packing room. Ensure you check with your client about the office dress code.
·         Ensure you check the electricity of the country(s) you are visiting & pack the proper converter and transformer. Not all countries are the same! For those women out there, know when to use a transformer or you will set your straighter on fire!
·         I always put power bars/granola bars in my suitcase as when you are overcoming jet lag & traveling with a language barrier, it is nice to have snacks at hand
·         Always pack a business outfit in your carryon in case your suitcase is delayed (glad I did this one on this trip as I needed it). Don’t forget shoes etc
Overall Tips & Tricks:
·         Ensure you have a photocopy of your passport & the visa of the country you are visiting (if applicable) on you at all times. Only leave your passport at the hotel if you have a safe in your room or at the front desk
·         If you like sightseeing, it is recommended you personally buy a guide book (Lonely Planet etc) or do online research on the city/country you are visiting so you know the sights to see. Try and plan at least 1-3 day of your trip to see the city. This will allow you to know the country better & relate better to your client
o   It is also recommended to ask your client for advice on sightseeing. They will typically be pleased that you are planning some personal time to see their home country/city.
o   Plan this BEFORE you go so you have time to build this into your itinerary. If you plan on staying 1 extra day of personal vacation time/1 night of a personal hotel – this is much cheaper than if you plan on coming back as that includes your whole plane fare!
·         Try and plan an evening meal with your client to build that personal relationship. This is so important with international clients as you don’t get a lot of face time with them and need to make the most out of lunches during the day & an evening meal to build a personal relationship. Find common ground in casual conversation as well as discussion business.
These are just a few of the things that I do to prepare myself to work in another country. I hope this post finds you well rested & well prepared for any international work you had ahead!

Here's a photo of me after 20+ hours of traveling yesterday when I went for a walk to the Red Square here in Moscow before a busy week of meetings. Don’t forget to take in the local sites - you never know if you will be back!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday News Day: Recruitment 3.0 - Are You Ready?

This week’s news comes from – one of my favourite websites for articles about recruiting, sourcing, social media & overall HR issues. Whenever I need supporting information about training hiring managers or what’s happening in the market place, this is one of my go-to resources.

This week’s theme:

Recruiting & SOCIAL MEDIA:

 “Facebook’s Tag Suggestions Raise HR Issues”
-          Featured on:
-          Writer:  John Zappe
-          Publishing date: June 14, 2011
-          Link:

This article discusses current flack on Facebook’s facial recognition software & the HR implications. The article quotes that as “84 percent of U.S. recruiters think it is proper to consider personal data posted online when evaluating a candidate” there are huge implications to this new picture tagging.  It comes as no surprise that professors and career counselors are cautioning students about the privacy settings & photos they post on social media sites.  This facial recognition technology is further complicating the problem as people can be “tagged” in photos that are not an actual picture of themselves, yet, a hiring decision may be formed based on such photos.

Read this article as a recruiter for understanding the technology fully. As a candidate, read on to find out the importance in opting out of this feature on Facebook.

 “A Vision for the Future of Recruitment: Recruitment 3.0”
-          Featured on:
-          Writer:  Matthew Jeffery & Amy McKee
-          Publishing date: June 14, 2011
-          Link:

This article is one of the BEST summaries I have seen about the changing recruiting landscape. It states that recruiting is going through a “a fundamental seismic shift... A change that will see many traditional recruiters falling behind and being replaced by new, differently skilled recruiters, ready for the challenges of Recruitment 3.0.”  The global race for talent is reaching new levels & the way to secure that talent is changing. Companies need to focus on the 90% of candidates who are not active job hunters and must use social networking & nontraditional sourcing methods to reach them.  

This is an absolutely fantastic article outlining the current evolutionary landscape that is Recruiting 3.0. It is a great tool for HR managers to educate senior leadership about the changing game called recruiting.

Happy reading! Thoughts on the article about Recruitment 3.0?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Following Up with Employers

Students, this post is just for you! I’ve received questions asking for advice on how students should follow up with employers after in-person encounters at tours, info sessions, career fairs, networking events, interviews etc. So here are some tips…

The first step is knowing how your perspective employer likes to receive applications. If they have an online application system – use it!  Don’t just email your contact your resume.  Many employers receive hundreds of applications a week and the only way they manage them is through their online application/candidate management system. Ensure that you write a cover letter highlighting the culture & unique features of the company & matching those points with reasons on why you are the perfect fit. In your cover letter mention the person you met at the event & why they made an impression on you. Knowing the culture of the company you are applying for is key. If they are a very corporate/professional environment a more formal tone is appropriate. I work in a very young dynamic marketing environment so I like to see real personality and energy come out in a cover letter to set someone out from the pack.

After applying online, reach out directly to the person you met at the event. Make sure at the event you ask for a business card of the contact. First make sure you actually speak with the contact though. When I receive a follow up email from a candidate, I want to actually remember that we spoke.  I want them to have stood out. At the end of an event, don’t rush around trying to meet as many recruiters or hiring managers as possible, asking for their card & sending them each form letter follow-ups. Instead focus on building relationships or connections with a few recruiters & let them really get to know you. This will give you more information to personalize your follow-up email & also help them remember you when they receive it.  

Sending a personalized email within 24 hours is key. Remember to attach your resume but reference that you have already applied online.  I also recommend for students to include their LinkedIn profile link in their email so recruiters can go online & see their photo/online resume if they need a reminder of who the candidate is.  Additionally in your email, highlight why you enjoyed meeting them, reference the interaction you had, and discuss why you think you would be a great fit for the company. This personalized touch makes a difference - you would be surprised how few students do this! When I receive a great follow up email, I always forward it directly to the recruiter who is leading the hiring for the position the candidate is interested in. I also go into our application system to copy the letter & insert my feedback into their file so other recruiters see how passionate the candidate is. The 20 minutes taken to write a great follow-up email are worth it if it follows a great in person conversation.

The same holds true after an interview: Make sure you send your interviewer an email thanking them for their time & highlighting what you learned about the company during your interview & why you think you would be a great fit.

Hopefully this gives you a few quick & easy tips on how you can continue to make that great impression with recruiters that might make all the difference in securing your first full time job! 

Though this article is aimed at students, these tips are also very applicable to any candidate who wants to follow up with a recruiter or hiring manager after a networking or interview opportunity. Good luck job hunters!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday News Day: Online Interactions

This week brings 2 different topics: recruiting & consumer experiences - they are tied together by social media.

 Recruiters need to spend time where students are – on campus & online! Are you?    

Additionally, Harrods has joined the twitterverse – what does this mean for traditional department stores & keeping up with consumer trends?

Recruiting & SOCIAL MEDIA:

 “How to Use Social Media as a Recruiting Tool
-          Featured in: Globe & Mail
-          Writer:  Lynn Greiner
-          Publishing date: June 6, 2011
-          Link:

I’m a big believer in the importance of using social media as part of your sourcing & employment brand strategy. This is a good article highlighting social media’s place in recruiting. Love this: “Today’s tech-savvy candidates expect to find jobs the same way they do much of their social interacting – online.” Social media can actually let you target your sourcing better than job boards or general marketing. It is “the vehicle by which we can reach the top tier candidates by influencing them through their trusted networks.” Read this article to find out more!

Consumer Experience & SOCIAL MEDIA:

 “Harrods is Tweeting: Is Real-World Shopping Doomed?”
      -          Featured in: Globe & Mail
-          Writer:  Katrina Onstad
-          Publishing date: June 4, 2011
-          Link:

Brand are working hard to keep up with online shopping experiences to drive consumers to actually visit their stores. Thus, it’s not a big surprise the Harrods, the “august grande dame of department stores,” has launched an app that includes CPG to help customers navigate the store and receive store updates via a twitter feed. When traditional Harrod’s recognizes the need for social media what does this mean for consumer experiences & traditional shopping outlets?   The author states that the “Harrods app is clearly an if-you-can’t-beat-’em-join-’em gesture, as technology has so dramatically changed how we shop that it threatens Harrods’ very existence.” Read this article to understand how brands & by extension companies must joint eh social media world or essentially become extinct.  

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Millennial Tips to Dress for Success

Office dress codes are not as straight forward as they used to be. It used to be formal, business casual or casual. Now you see companies with dress codes called smart casual, dressy casual, business, dressy chic and the list goes on if they even have a written dress code. No wonder so many millennials/new grads struggle in understanding what is appropriate to wear to the office.
Something to think about is your new company culture. Remember that personal style can be captured within business dress codes; however, your weekend clothing is not always workday appropriate.

The office in which I work has a ‘smart casual’ dress code for everyday office wear and business casual/business for client meetings. When I walk around the office, lots of people are meeting the dress code standards but many young adults struggle with knowing what’s appropriate as we are a young dynamic company. In general millennials tend to be very cutting edge in fashion; however, some fail to recognize what should just be for weekend/evening wear. I, if anything, tend to veer to the conservative side as I would never want my wardrobe to be considered inappropriate or a hindrance in moving my career to the next level.

Here are a few of my tips for new grads in understanding the dress code at their new company:
-     Dress to impress on interview days or your first day. It is always better to be more formally dressed than inappropriate
-     Look at your company culture for dress code cues
-     Ask HR if there is a formal dress code - then actually follow it!
-     Look at what managers 1-2 levels above you are wearing. Dress for the level above you so managers can see you working in a more senior function.
-     Jeans are appropriate if your dress code is dressy/smart/insert other adjective here casual. Ensure you pair them a nice top, jacket & shoes. Sneakers are not business appropriate ever!
-     For the ladies: Skirts/dresses/longer dress shorts are appropriate but ensure your hem line is past your fingertips & cleavage/skin tight clothing has no place at work – you would be shocked how often this one is broken!

Business or smart casual clothing doesn’t have to be boring! How you combine outfits for the office can be a fun way to start your day. You can still show your unique style through a cool laptop bag, unique jewelry/accessories. Have fun with your dress code but don’t try to be such an individual that you don’t seem to fit in or respect that the office is a place for business.

Remember that first impressions count. Remember that a hallway pass-by is sometimes the closest you come to senior management in your new job – remember to make a great impression & show that you are dressed to impress!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday News Day: HR & Social Media

This week brings out some trends in the integration of HR and social media. The way we market, promote and apply for jobs is changing – is your company keeping up?


 “LinkedIn to Launch Job Application Button
      -          Featured on: Mashable
-          Writer:  Sarah Kessler
-          Publishing date: June 1, 2011
-          Link:

With social media’s reach extending, especially the 80 million professional network of LinkedIn, it is no shock that the traditional resume is changing. LinkedIn is planning on launching a bottom in June for “employers’ websites called “Apply with LinkedIn” that allows job candidates to submit their LinkedIn profiles as resumes.” Earlier this week both twitter and google launched buttons applications exemplifying a clear trend of social media integration with traditional HR application methods. LinkedIn profiles bring recommendations and additional information versus a traditional resume though this trend may cause complications with ATS (applicant tracking system) integration.

 “How Twitter Works as a Q&A App [infographic]
-          Featured on: Mashable
-          Writer:  Jolie O’Dell
-          Publishing date: June 1, 2011
-          Link:

Around 3 million questions are asked on Twitter each month; around 20-30% of these questions don’t get answered. Fantastic infographic (also shown below) showcasing who is asking what and who’s responding. Note that 5% of Q&A are tweets on careers & workplaces, 13% on product recommendations, 11% on location successions, 3% on education on homework. How do you make sure you are part of the answers?

Happy Thursday Newsday Reading!