Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday News Day: Online Interactions

During the current controversy surrounding sharing of information via Twitter and other social media sites (versus super injunctions being adhered to by traditional media outlets), this week’s theme is consumers interacting with online content.  Social media is creating clashes between old-media law and social media sharing realities. More details to come as this debate plays out during the current revolution of information sharing.


 “Group seeks ideas to improve quality of web comments”
-          Featured in: CBC News
-          Writer:  Dan Misener
-          Publishing date: May 25, 2011
-          Link:

This opinion piece by Dan Misener discusses how comment sections of websites and blogs are typically off topic & unconstructive. An initiative, by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation (makers of the Firefox web browser) and the Knight Foundation, called Beyond Comment Threads is aiming to “re-imagine online news comments.” The author discusses if the root of the problem is“a technical problem? Or a human behaviour problem?”

I like this article as it challenges the way consumers interact with your web content.  I look forward to seeing the outcome of this online challenge & may make changes in the way you can comment on my blog as a result!

“No internet in 1/5 Canadian homes: Among households with internet, 54 per cent connect with multiple devices”
-          Featured in: CBC News
-          Writer:  not identified
-          Publishing date: May 25, 2011
-          Link:
Strong article outlining the demographics of Canadians using the internet, mobile devices, and tablets.  Love the Canadian breakdown as articles typically showcase American statistics. The article breaks down demographics such as urban and rural as well as provincial breakdowns. Knowing where your target market is and how they access the internet can absolutely affect how they interact with your brand.

“Why do women avoid check-in services?”
-          Featured in: The Globe & Mail
-          Writer:  Amber MacArthur
-          Publishing date: May 20, 2011
-           Link:
I often speak about LBS (location based services) and how at first glance they seem very ‘stalker-ish.’ I think many women feel the same way about letting the world know where they are at any given time.  The article quotes that “17.6 per cent of smart phone owners in the U.S. use location-based services;” however, of LBS users from Canada, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the US, “77% of women are freaked out about using tools such as Foursquare.”

I like this article, written by a woman, on her views on LBS – review if you are trying to use LBS and have a target market of females.

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chelsea, love that format for your blogpost! It gives me a good picture as to what's interesting in the news on subjects that I really relate to... Especially the one on LSB. I'm a bit like the reporter in the sense that I don't need people to know where I am at all times. Also, I find there is something somewhat narcissistic about the whole mayorship on foursquare. I don't judge anyone that checks in all the time, since I do so myself on Facebook places. However, I do find that adding a personnal touch, like a picture of the food you're eating or the people attending a certain event with you makes it so much more interesting than just being like "hey! I just checked in at XYZ". Images convey souch more and will definitely make me wish I was there too...
    Finally, I guess I'm a bit paranoid but I find kinda creepy that perfect strangers can follow my whereabouts...
    You are right Chelsea, this is certainly an issue that marketers need to consider when elaborating marketing campaigns targeting women...
