Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Facebook Personal Social Media Audit

The Month of May seems to be a month about social media auditing – who to accept on LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter. I recommend revising your social media presence approximately once a month or at least once a quarter to make sure you are making connections that make sense. For those regular blog readers, as you know, I have actually written out my personal social media policy & have different views on how I want to use LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook. They all have different uses for me from a very professional space to a more personal space. Today’s blog post is about Facebook.

For brands, I’m a big believer in having a Facebook page and encouraging “likes” as this will help create WOM within the networks of those who “liked” you. As an indidual, I use Facebook for a very close group of friends to keep up on very personal details such as photos and travel news. Though I have hundreds of friends on Facebook, I lock down most contacts to limited profiles and typically indicate only close friends and family to see my photos.

Here are my thoughts on Facebook: I will have a personal & professional profile – I’m still sorting through if this is the right move for me

Personal Profile:
-          My personal profile will be very limited for search functionally
-          It will be separated from my professional uses of social media sites through the use of a separate name (my married name)
-          I will accept only those that I are actively a part of my personal life
-          I choose to share very limited information (like photos) as I feel that the world wide web is a very public forum for my personal life
-          I understand that even if deleted, the information does not cease to exist
Professional Profile:
-          Through my newly created professional profile, I will build my professional network and be very viewable on public searches
-          This profile will be connected with my twitter, foursquare, and LinkedIn profiles
-          This profile will adhere to my professional vision through my consistent professional head shot, profile information & status updates
-          No personal photos will be shared through this forum that does not adhere to my above social media policy
-          I understand that Facebook is more of a personal forum

How do you use Facebook for personal branding versus brand/cause marketing?


  1. They all have different uses for me from a very professional space to a more personal space. Today’s blog post is about Facebook. buy real instagram followers

  2. Another way to search for your audience is through LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great tool for this because they allow you to search for people according to their demographics e.g. by their titles, regions, specific departments, companies, industries, and more. Same thing can be done with Twitter and now with Facebook posting updated to target specific audience to increase engagement. tiktok
