This is my last post within Series #1 about key tips and tricks in using social media sites to help set you up for success recruiting the RIGHT students/new grads for your company. Today’s focus is YouTube! Check out some relevant statistics here:

YouTube DO’s:
- Use it! Create a profile. Video’s fun and it showcases your company culture better than any other medium. You likely have a recruiting video you show on campus & feature on your website. Put all of your recruiting videos on YouTube to extend your reach and get free exposure to YouTube’s millions of users.
- Choose a YouTube channel to aggregate your video content. Come on – even the Pope uses YouTube and the Vatican has its own YouTube channel! ... So why aren’t you?
- Be creative in how you can use it; think training, recruiting, and overall employment branding…
o I have a friend who interviewed for a company in Asia and she had to make a YouTube video on why they should hire her. Love this as it creates great employment branding as future candidate’s can search out these video and the employers can get to know a candidate’s personality. This is a very creative way about using this channel in the interview process.
- Candidates want the “real” story so encourage use of video in internal employment engagement campaigns & then post videos on the channel and have a film fest with votes to extend the reach/WOM of the campaign.
o Deloitte did a great campaign called “My Deloitte” doing just this and made it into a film showcase with voting. Employees created word of mouth and shared their videos with their networks as they were incented to win the film fest. Some of these videos (which cost the company ZERO dollars to make) have over a thousand views – now that’s viral employment branding!
o Use videos to showcase your company culture & candidate’s potential future colleagues. In the LinkedIn Group I run, I asked the students what their top 3 reasons for choosing a company are and every single one of them mentioned company culture! Give them what they want!
- Focus your user’s attention and ensure YouTube video is embedded into your own website. You got them to your Facebook page or your employment website – don’t lose them!
- Remove the “suggest other videos” when embedding YouTube videos into your site as you don’t want candidates to click onto unrelated content and the likely hood of them coming back is small.
- Listen – see what other’s are doing and take the best ideas and twist them to suit your own culture. See what your competitors are doing out there and then differentiate yourself!
- Add keyword tags that reflect your video’s content; take advantage of search engine optimization (SEO)
- Take advantage of YouTube’s analytics. YouTube now provides feedback on uploads by providing statistics on: Views, Popularity, Demographics & Discovery. See if your videos are hitting the right target market & tweak as needed.
- Don’t use it if you are scared of user generated content
- Don’t Forget to brand it consistently with your other marketing (website, blog etc)
- Don’t forgot to link your Channel and videos everywhere possible to maximize visibility
- Don’t build a list via YouTube/build subscribers. When someone views your video on YouTube, a list of “suggested” videos tempts your view away from your content.
- Don’t create only scripted/staged videos. These have a place but when recruiting millennials they want to see the real deal. Put the camera in your employee’s hands
Are you using YouTube? What companies do you think are doing a great job with this medium?
Link to photo credit/YouTube statistics:
Great employment branding using YouTube - My Deloitte:
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