Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year and Some New Goals

Hi All,

It has been about a month since I have dedicated some serious time to my blog as I was on a whirlwind travel schedule speaking at the Campus Recruiting Forum in Waterloo, Calgary and in San Francisco. December is always a busy month wrapping up the work year, the holidays and planning 2011. As I did some professional planning, I also sat down to make some personal social media goals. I'm not a big person for resolutions as it seems that so many people have these huge overwhelming goals that are most likely to be broken within a month of the New Year. Instead, I am about purging what isn't working and updating goals that are truly SMART - yes, I like that silly acronym that stands for smart, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely goals.  My online life exploded last year with the LinkedIn Group I manage about social media & campus recruiting, my use of twitter, following of blogs and trying to come up with material for my own blog in addition to building presentations about social media for conferences.  

As I move into 2011, my goal is to not only participate in social media but really showcase my own voice by posting a minimum of 1 blog post a week. I will be kicking it off with the upcoming series I spoke about in how to use the different social media sites for recruiting young adults. As referenced above, I have some great new research and presentation material from the conferences I spoke at throughout December from both a Canadian & US perspective that I just can’t wait to share with you!

I hope you stick around, read my latest updates, and comment on some of my new posts. I’m committing to this goal as I was recently reminded that goals are more likely to be fulfilled when written down & shared with others as you have actually committed to them. I would love to hear about some of YOUR 2011 social media goals!

All the best as you build your goals for 2011,

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